How does it work?

Step 1
Support your favorite or your own store by nominating it for the World Ecommerce Awards. This will increase its visibility and provide great PR. Anyone can nominate any e-commerce store worldwide.

Step 2
The store must accept the nomination. After submitting the form, our team will send an acceptance email to the store. If the store agrees, it will automatically be included in the awards.

Step 3
A store can be nominated for multiple categories.

Important Note: Each category has a separate form, so please complete one for each category.

Step 4
The nomination deadline for the 2023 Awards Edition is December 31st, 2023, at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. Afterward, the winners will be determined by the jury. Three winners will be announced for each category, with a total of 4 gold, 4 silver, and 4 bronze award winners.

Step 5
On the nomination deadline day, an SEO Assistant audit scanner will analyze all nominated stores (except for the Design category). Within two weeks, the evaluation team will assign rankings from 1 to 10 for each store in each category. The jury will also provide additional rankings, and the final evaluation score will be calculated based on assigned weight. The winners will then be announced.

Step 6
The official Winners Announcement will take place on January 21st, 2024.